Sunday, October 26, 2008

F-ing stupid Ford

Have you heard the recent radio commercial for the Ford F-150? I cannot seem to locate it online, but the gist is this: Are you tough enough to drive/own a Ford F-150 truck??? The radio ad starts of by saying you're trying to enjoy an athletic event at the stadium of your favorite team when a fan for the other team starts yelling from the row behind you. I'm paraphrasing: You have three choices, do you a) do nothing, b) ask him to be quiet, or c) shove a hot dog down his throat, sit down and enjoy the rest of the game in peace and quiet. The commercial goes on to say that if you chose option c) then you might be tough enough to drive a Ford F-150.

Listen, I get the idea of questioning a guy's "manhood" in order to motivate him to buy something. This has worked on simple minds for decades if not centuries. It works for Tabasco sauce, loud music, football, MMA, big tires, trucks, and many other "manly" things. I mean, what man in his right mind is going to think - or worse, admit - that they are not man enough to buy or use something??? Obviously that mode of advertising and persuasion is working or ad/marketing agencies would stop using it. As ridiculous as it is, I get it.

The part that really bothers me is that this commercial - and this company (Ford) - is equating physically punishing someone with "tough" or "manly" in order to sell their product. Perhaps I'm taking this too seriously, but it bothers me. If I get this commercial right, if I can beat someone up then I'm tough enough to drive a Ford F-150. Am I the only one to which this sounds stupid? To me it makes me think more of "meat head" than "tough".

Am I to assume, then, that every person - man or woman - that drives a Ford F-150 is a testosterone induced, short-fused, simpleton?

What a sad society we live in when the inability to solve a problem by means other than brute force and imposing your physical will on someone is celebrated and encouraged and romanticised. I'd rather Ford just be more straight-forward and state, "If you have a small penis, no frontal lobe, no people skills, and no problem solving skills, then compensate by driving a big truck with a loud horn so you can drive like an idiot and intimidate smart people in fuel-efficient sedans."

Either way, its safe to say this blogger will not be caught dead driving a Ford F-150 anytime soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wouldnt be caught dead in one either...that is unless you painted a naked lady on the side and added a balls sack to the tailgate...that would change everything!